Solargraphy is a form of pinhole photography. Exposures may be from days to months to years and will capture the arc of the sun throughout the course of the exposure. The craziest part about it is that is uses photographic paper but requires no chemical processing. Over time a latent negative image appears.
These two were taken atop Stone Mountain while hiking with my friend Leigh. We tried to be inconspicuous with our placement of the cameras since we didn’t have permission to leave them… In hindsight, they were clearly the opposite because we placed 6 of them and on return hikes discovered a few missing. Based on our MacGyver skills, I doubt the weather was the culprit. When I brought them home, one of the cameras had bonus in it, I think someone mistook it for a geocaching letterbox.
Exposure was a few weeks – I plan to try longer exposures next time. The cameras I used for these two are made from hemp protein powder containers!
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