Perfect Frenzy – new blackout poem.

It’s been awhile since I did one of these. I don’t plan them, I just scan the printed page and words just jump out at me.  Sometimes it’s a struggle and feels forced, so I put it down.  Other times it just flows like this one did. A perfect frenzy just under the radar, tender…

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Good Friend – new blackout poem

Good friend, a story still evolving. Dream beautifully, one wild and precious life. This is an original poem I created by redacting an article from a magazine with a pen. The original piece has been scanned and digitally processed. Signed, limited edition prints are available directly from me here in my webstore.

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My first solargraphs!

Solargraphy is a form of pinhole photography. Exposures may be from days to months to years and will capture the arc of the sun throughout the course of the exposure. The craziest part about it is that is uses photographic paper but requires no chemical processing. Over time a latent negative image appears. These two…

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