Blackout poems – Stolen the week of 3/7/14

March 8, 2014


These are my poems from the week of March 7, 2014. Each week, I select the best of them and make them available in my online art shop as signed, limited edition prints starting at only $20.  This series was inspired by Austin Kleon, best-selling author of Steal Like an Artist, Newspaper Blackout and the new Show Your Work.

Going Mad

Going mad. A bewitching idea, an ungraspable sound we never see.

Going Mad - blackout poem


Bring the clowns to the devil for admission.

Clowns - blackout poem


Start great big art. It’s poetry with legs.

Start - blackout poem

Remarkable Reason

Find new and exotic, remarkable reason. There’s no logic. An unexplored frontier. Art.

Remarkable Reason - blackout poem



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